Monday, February 21, 2011

Other Places to Find My Tea Writing and Other Writings

Lately I've been seeing a number of bloggers sharing writings in other blogs, so I decided to write my own post on this topic.

Everyone who reads my blog regularly probably already knows about RateTea, but there are a number of other places that I write.

My Writings About Tea:

I have written a large number of articles about tea on EzineArticles. You can find these listed on my EzineArticles author bio. In the past, I had also written a number of tea-related articles on Buzzle, but the nature of that site has changed and my articles are no longer published there. I've also experimented a bit with creating Squidoo lenses about tea, but Squidoo has since closed (see The Rise and Fall of Squidoo). Some of my old Squidoo tea articles I've moved to Wizzley.

Also, before I created RateTea, for a while I was reviewing teas on my opinion website, You can still read my old tea reviews on

Non Tea-related Writings:

A lot of people who read this blog or interact with me in some capacity related to RateTea know me only as a "tea person", but tea is only a small portion of the things I concern myself with, both on the web and in the rest of my life. If you want to get a glimpse of some of the other things I think about and am interested in, I would invite you to read my opinion website and another blog.

My opinion website is This site has writings about many topics, including religion, politics, and other potentially more controversial topics. The main characterizing feature of is its integrated approach to issues: science, politics, religion, and culture are all discussed together, in terms of how they interrelated, rather than separated cleanly and treated as totally unrelated subjects.

Less controversial, but with a stronger activist and political flavor than this blog is my idea blog. Most posts on this blog focus on a specific issue, present my perspective on it, and conclude with concrete points of action that people can do to advance a solution of the problem or some sort of improvement or advancement of society related to the topic of the blog post.

Where else do you write or publish?

Do you have other blogs or websites on which you publish? I would encourage you to publish your own blog post about this topic, or post a comment here if you'd like. I am curious to read others' writings, both about tea and other topics, and I think it's highly likely that there are numerous others would would be curious to do so as well!

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