Caffeine Content of Tea - Our definitive guide to how much caffeine is in various types of tea, this one article contributes a whopping 37% of articles views on the site. This makes sense to me, as it is information that people want to know, and we have been very thorough in compiling this resource.
Writing About Tea - This article, a guide of how to write tea reviews and write about tea, contributes 9.2% of views to articles.
- Health Benefits of Tea - The infamous buzzword article, contributing 4.9% of views; this article takes a more skeptical, science-based approach to this topic, which is often riddled with hype, misinformation, and marketing scams.
Brewing Tea - A basic how-to guide for brewing tea, it makes sense that this article is well-viewed, contributing 4% to total views.
Organic Tea - With 3.8% of views, this article is an overview of organic tea, covering why organic agriculture is important, but also adopting a critical tone later in the article, explaining the drawbacks of organic certification, and that organics are not the be-all and end-all of sustainable tea production.
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