Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cardamon + Honeybush

I often find Rooibos and Honeybush usually do not work well with brewing more than once. Perhaps this is because they are broken into fine pieces, and thus a lot of surface area is exposed so after a brief brewing period, most of the flavor and aroma has already gone out into the cup.

The other day I brewed some honeybush from Adagio teas...and I thought...hmm...maybe I could add something else to it to add more flavor when I re-brew it. So, I added two cardamon pods and a bit of coriander. This is close to my version of a "chai"...I don't like cinnamon in tea, and I love cardamon.

The result was pretty tasty. There was enough flavor left in the honeybush that between it and the spices, I had a cup of flavorful brew. Yay.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I just tried blending dried spearmint leaves (grown by a friend and dried by me) with honeybush (From Upton Tea), and it was quite delicious. I would recommend it. The aromas blend very well and the resulting herbal tea is very smooth. I think I enjoy it more than just straight spearmint or honeybush.

I am going to experiment with more of these sorts of blends.

First Post on This Tea Blog

I haven't posted anything here so I figured I would post something!

I'm Alex. I have other blogs and websites and places where I post things more often. Here are some of my websites:
  • RateTea - A website where anyone can rate and review teas.
  • Merit Exchange - An alternate economic system, with classified ads, social networking features, and a community currency.
  • - My personal and opinion website, not in blog format.
Maybe I'll post something more here...maybe not. As the title says--this is not my primary blog! I mainly created this blog so that I could comment on other peoples' blogs...and also because I'm curious about how different blogging websites work.