I already interact with numerous readers of this blog on twitter, but in case you're on twitter and have not yet connected with me, there are two places to do so: @ratetea is where I talk about tea under the official account of RateTea, and @cazort is my personal account, where I will share personal opinions and also tweet about things other than tea. Now for the good stuff:

My twitter lists:
Both for my own benefit, and for the benefit of everyone in the tea community, I maintain a number of twitter lists. You can find all the lists and brief descriptions on twitter, by clicking the screenshot above, but here is a more detailed description of most of them:
- tea-companies - This list includes the official twitter accounts of tea companies (often, multiple accounts for bigger companies), prominent or important employees or owners of tea companies, and a few noteworthy individuals who sell tea on a small scale.
- tea-bloggers - This list is a collection of tea bloggers, people whose blogs focus primarily on tea.
- tea-chat - This is a list of "chatty" twitter accounts tweeting about tea--ones who generally will reply if you @-message them with something about tea. Most of these accounts tweet primarily about tea but some also tweet on other subjects.
- tea-misc - This list is an eclectic collection of twitter users who do something "official" about tea, but are not normal tea companies or bloggers. This list includes tea associations and organizations, people who run tea-related websites that do not have a blog-like format, and people who work in the tea industry in capacities other than blogging and working for tea companies.
- herbs - This list collects herb companies and companies focusing on herbal teas, as well as websites, bloggers, and other twitter accounts with a focus on herbs, herbal tea, or herbal medicine. A few tea companies with a good selection of herbal teas or medicinal herbs can be found here as well.
- tea-houses - This list is a collection of tea houses, tea bars, tea rooms, and local tea shops...any place with a sit-down atmosphere that serves tea.
- sustainability - This list collects twitter accounts with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. It contains a few tea companies and a lot of other accounts; I'm somewhat selective about what I list here.
- health - Twitter accounts tweeting about health. This list is a general health-related list, not limited to tea-and-health related topics.
Let me add you to my lists:
If you run a twitter account that you think would make a good addition to any of these lists, or if you'd like to recommend another account that you think would be good to add, just @-message me, under the @ratetea account. I often list accounts under multiple lists, if relevant. You can comment here if you'd like, but I'd recommend tweeting, as that way you'll reach me while I'm signed onto twitter and can easily respond.
ReplyDeleteI'm McKaela Tinker with The Persimmon Tree (http://www.persimmontreetea.com). We're a new online loose leaf tea retailer and I would like to offer you a few of our best teas to try and write about. If you see a tea you like, give me a list and I'll send those over.
Some of the sites we have offered tea to have given the tea rave reviews and we're still spreading the word. I know how vital it is to have original and fresh content and I think we can help.
In addition to the tea, I can give you an exclusive 20% off coupon to share with your subscribers.
If you're interested, let me know and we can send a few samples to you right away.
You can contact me at mtinker@persimmontreetea.com
McKaela Tinker
The Persimmon Tree